Source code for edeposit.amqp.pikadaemon

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Interpreter version: python 2.7
#= Imports ====================================================================
Generic AMQP blocking communication daemon server.

Usage is simple - just inherit the class and override

You can send messages back using either :func:`PikaDaemon.sendMessage` or
:func:`PikaDaemon.sendResponse`. Fist one allows you to send message
everywhere, second one send message to the queue defined by constructor.
import pika

import daemonwrapper

#= Functions & objects ========================================================
[docs]class PikaDaemon(daemonwrapper.DaemonRunnerWrapper): def __init__(self, connection_param, queue, output_exchange, output_key): """ Pika and Daemon wrapper for handling AMQP connections. Args: connection_param (pika.ConnectionParameters): object setting the connection queue (str): name of queue where the daemon should listen output_exchange (str): name of exchange where the daemon should put responses output_key (str): routing key for output exchange """ super(PikaDaemon, self).__init__(queue) self.connection_param = connection_param self.queue = queue self.output_exchange = output_exchange self.content_type = "application/json" self.output_key = output_key
[docs] def body(self): """ This method just handles AMQP connection details and receive loop. Warning: Don't override this method! """ self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(self.connection_param) = # receive messages and put them to .onMessageReceived() callback for method_frame, properties, body in if self.onMessageReceived(method_frame, properties, body): self.ack(method_frame.delivery_tag)
[docs] def ack(self, ack_delivery_tag): """ Acknowledge, that message was received. Note: This will in some cases (depends on settings of RabbitMQ) remove the message from the message queue. """
[docs] def onMessageReceived(self, method_frame, properties, body): """ Callback which is called every time when message is received. Warning: You SHOULD override this. Note: It is expected, that method returns True, if you want to automatically ack the received message, which can be important in some situations, because otherwise the message will be held in message queue until someone will ack it. You don't have to return True/False - you can ack the message yourself, by calling :func:`ack`. Note: Good design choice is to ack the message AFTER you process it, to be sure, that message is processed properly and can be removed from queue. """ print "method_frame:", method_frame print "properties:", properties print "body:", body print "---" print
[docs] def sendMessage(self, exchange, routing_key, message, properties=None, UUID=None): """ With this function, you can send message to `exchange`. Args: exchange (str): name of exchange you want to message to be delivered routing_key (str): which routing key to use in headers of message message (str): body of message properties (dict ,optional): properties of message - if not used, or set to ``None``, ``self.content_type`` and ``delivery_mode=2`` (persistent) is used UUID (str, optional): UUID of the message. If set, it is included into ``properties`` of the message. """ if properties is None: properties = pika.BasicProperties( content_type=self.content_type, delivery_mode=1, headers={} ) if UUID is not None: if properties.headers is None: properties.headers = {} properties.headers["UUID"] = UUID exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key, properties=properties, body=message )
[docs] def sendResponse(self, message, UUID, routing_key): """ Send `message` to ``self.output_exchange`` with routing key ``self.output_key``, ``self.content_type`` in ``delivery_mode=2``. Args: message (str): message which will be sent UUID: unique identification of message routing_key (str): which routing key to use to send message back """ self.sendMessage( exchange=self.output_exchange, routing_key=routing_key, message=message, UUID=UUID )
[docs] def onExit(self): """ Called when daemon is stopped. Basically just AMQP's ``.close()`` functions to ensure clean exit. You can override this, but don't forget to call it thru ``super()``, or the AMQP communication won't be closed properly! """ def try_call(fn): try: fn() except (pika.exceptions.ChannelClosed, AttributeError, pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed): return if hasattr(self, "channel"): try_call( try_call( try_call(self.connection.close)